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I'm an NFPT Certified Personal Trainer.  Here's how I can help you.


I am formally trained in education, but my passion in health and fitness.  I would like to combine my educational background with my National Federation of Personal Trainers certification to provide you with an intuitive, educational and effective training schedule so you see lifelong results. 

Generalized Online Workout Packages
(Total Body Transformation: these plans are not custom but have variations to choose from to suit your needs.)


These plans are predesigned by me for optimal results.  There are different variations (home/gym/outdoors) which help each client taylor their workout to their specific needs and preferences.


I give you the plan and you can use it as is or sub in different items to customize your workout.  You are learning the knowledge you need to stay healthy the rest of your life. 


Check out my online shop for programs and pricing.


Workouts Targeting Specific Muscle Groups
(Arms, Legs, Glutes, Core... What is your problem area?  Let's focus on fixing it.)


If you want to grow your booty, create boulder shoulders, explosive legs or a strong core then this is the product category for you. 


Choose one target area or combine workouts for more than one body part to taylor your own workout and mold the body of your dreams.


These are educational plans (like all of my others).  You are not being trained for dependency, but rather being educated for life long health.  Check it in the Online Store.


Customized Workout Packages Based on Your Goals
(You tell me what YOU want and I taylor make a plan to achieve your goals.  One on One experience all plans are differnt.)

Here's your chance to get me one on one.  I will communicate with you vie e-mail, message or facetime/phone as needed to understand your needs, goals and desires.  You will also fill out a basic, but detailed new client form that will guide me in creating a 100% custom workout for you. 


You are in charge of your health, wellness and fitness.  Take charge today and make the change by checking out my online store.


© 2023 by Grateful Earth Design

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