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Meet the FitChick behind it all.

It all started one fateful day late in 2012 when I signed up for an Instagram account not knowing what terms like fitspo or fitstagram even meant.  And, don’t even get me started on what a hashtag actually was or how to use it.  But now I’m welcoming myself to the blogosphere… Welcome, me.

I’m an ‘old-soul’ with a passion for health, fitness and cooking.  I love Birkenstocks, Berninas, bourbon, flowers, and jamming out to loud music.  Grocery shopping is my favorite chore and cooking up a healthy and delicious feast is my expertise.  You may also find me in the gym from time to time tossing around heavy weights.  I love to sweat, I love the way it feels.

I will treat this blog like my own health, fitness and lifestyle journal… only public, because that’s a thing the kids are doing these days, right?  I can’t promise it will be entertaining, informative, interesting or any of the above.  I can promise it will be realistic, full of triumphs as well as failures, follies and lots of humor along the way.  And just for clarification, I don’t know what I’m doing.  Enjoy!

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